What Did Waste Disposal Entail In The Past

London House Clearance

Waste disposal and management has undergone drastic changes over the past few hundred years. Where there are humans, there is waste. Humans have dealt with their waste in different ways over the years within the United Kingdom. As one of the leading London house clearance companies, we delve into the different methods of waste disposal over the years. 

18th Century Waste Disposal 

During the 18th century the industrial revolution began, this caused London’s population to explode. This created an abundance of waste and pollution in the city, it wasn’t til 1752 that a solid waste management plan was put in place. Members of the public would collect ash to sell from fires as it was one of the main materials used in the brick manufacturing industry. Other general waste was collected by rag and bone men who made money from selling items they found to interested buyers. Old bones were also desirable as they could make soap, candles, cutlery and toys.

19/20th Century Waste Disposal 

London’s waste problem was beginning to rise again, alongside diseases such as cholera. Work in 1842 began that highlighted the correlation between poor living standards and the spread of diseases. This led to the British government creating strategies and plans to improve living standards to hopefully reduce the spread of disease. In 1855 a blueprint for health and waste management arose, this included adding street lights, an effective sewage system and the metropolitan fire brigade. In 1875 the Public Health Act appointed local councils to provide residents with clean water, regular rubbish removal, public toilets and a new sewage and drainage system. The following practises were introduced;

Incineration – With all of the extra waste being collected the government needed a solution to get rid of it. Incineration is a practice still used today to decompose waste, whilst it removes the mass of the material, it decomposes into carbon dioxide. 

Metal recycling – Since metals and alloys could not be incinerated, the government had to find a new solution. Metals would be separated and recycled as it was cheaper than manufacturing. These alloys were melted and recast for new purposes. 

21st Century Waste Disposal 

Fast forward to 2022 and waste disposal and management has progressed drastically. In today’s age we still rely on a combination of landfill and incinerators. Recycling however is a common practise that is promoted all over the world, improper waste management has dire consequences. With new recycling laws and regulations in place we are beginning to reduce the amount of plastic and other inorganic materials being produced. Even though we have the best technological advancements and machines in place to deal with the waste we face, more and more is being produced due to the constant demand for packaging, toys and other items.

Greenleaf Clearance – London House Clearance 

If you are currently in need of a London house clearance, our expert team may be able to help you. With 10 lorries on standby, we can arrive on site to collect and transport your waste for recycling. We also hold a scrap metal dealers licence allowing our experts to offer you cash for any alloys you may not want. Get in contact with us on 07884 082 197 or get in contact with us here.

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