Garage Clearance Tips To Use This Spring

House Clearance Surrey

With the new year underway and warmer months approaching, having an organised garage will allow you to store tools, bikes and other items you don’t want in the house. It is extremely common to have a cluttered garage, removing unwanted items or finding alternative storage options will free up large amounts of space and provide you with more storage for items you will be using. 


Greenleaf Clearance is one of the leading clearance companies in Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex. With 10 lorries and an expert team on standby, perhaps you need a house clearance Surrey, you could be our next job! Take a look at our reviews here.


Removing Unnecessary Items


Who wants to walk into a garage full of junk and items you don’t need or use? The sense of satisfaction after tackling a clutter-filled garage is great, think of all the new space! Whether you have old sporting equipment, furniture, camping gear, boxes or other clutter, the first and most important step is to organise the items into the following categories:


  • Keep
  • Sell/Giveaway
  • Bin
  • Donate


Storage Options 


A great way to clear your garage without getting rid of everything is to look for alternative storage options. Why not make use of available space around you. Perhaps purchasing several large storage boxes and storing the boxes in the ceiling above the floor space? Another effective way to improve space involves mourning bikes, golf clubs and other equipment on the wall. Not only does this improve the amount of space you have, but it also reduces the chance of tripping. Adding brackets and hooks to the wall will allow you to hang items that would usually occupy the floor space. 


Potential Uses Of The New Space After You Have A Clear Garage


Man cave – Garages act as the perfect getaway for men looking for their own space to relax, without necessarily leaving your home! Having a private space to socialise with friends and family to play cards or watch movies within the comfort of your own home.


Gym – Imagine being able to go to the gym without needing to travel! Garage gyms are perfect for quick workouts, ditching monthly fees and not having to wait to use the equipment.


A spacious home office – The lockdown has caused many companies and employees to work from home. Whether you work from home or are looking for a separate space free of distractions, a home office in the garage is an effective way to make use of the decluttered space. Once security and insulation/heating options are sorted, you can relax in a new peaceful workspace.


Contact Us – House Clearance Surrey

Whether you need a house clearance Surrey or a garage clearance in Hampshire, Greenleaf Clearance can step in and undertake all of your clearance/disposal needs with ease. Our licences and accreditations allow our team to clear and then dispose of all items responsibly and effectively. Get in touch with the team on 07884 082197 or click here. We would be more than happy to help!

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