Greenleaf Clearance offers a wide selection of clearance and disposal services, with full cover from licenses and certifications. Stay up to date with the latest clearance news here!

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House Clearance Companies

How Long Do House Clearances Take?

House clearances can be a giant task to carry out, ranging from one big room to the whole home. Therefore it is important to know how long a house clearance will take. With that in mind, it then becomes easier to make the right decision for…
House Clearance In Brighton

Safety Precautions To Keep In Mind During A House Clearance

House clearances in Brighton and other areas often come with some precautions to keep in mind, otherwise, health and safety could be at risk. These precautions are always followed and handled by house clearance companies to protect themselves…
House Clearance Surrey

Our Services At Greenleaf Clearance – How We Can Help You

Whether you have an overly cluttered home or an overgrown garden, finding the time to clear the areas can be tough. Instead of handling the issue yourself, why not consider hiring some professional help to alleviate your time and stress? As…
Worthing House Clearance

Items You Should Never Dispose Of

When a home is full of items and starts getting to an unmanageable point, it is normally time to consider a Worthing house clearance. If you are within Worthing, Surrey, Sussex or Hampshire this could be perfect for you. However, with all the…
removals Chichester

The Future Of Waste Removal

Waste clearance is truly becoming one of the largest issues the world faces in today's climate. With more humans, plastic and carbon emissions than ever before, finding a new way to dispose of the extra waste needs solving fast.  Greenleaf…
Brighton clearance

What You Can Do With Your Old Furniture

Furniture, we are surrounded by it everywhere in our daily lives. Over time these pieces of furniture become old, often getting damaged, dusty or out of fashion. Transporting the furniture for disposal is also difficult, as some council’s…
Surrey Clearing

Reducing Global Warming With These

There is ever-increasing discussion about the effects of global warming and what will happen if we don’t do something now. However, it can be hard to know what you can do about it. With some of our simple tips, our Surrey clearing services…
House Clearance Hampshire

Why You Should Consider Hiring Professionals

There comes a time when you need to clear out your home. House clearance can be a pretty big job with only one car and one person. With many companies that can perform a house clearance in Hampshire, it can make a big job much easier to handle.…
house clearance Surrey

How To Approach A House Clearance

When it comes to clearing a house, it can be a very daunting task for some, with others unsure about how to approach it. Here at Greenleaf Clearance, we ensure that we go the extra mile within every job, completing your clearance needs with…
Brighton clearance

The Importance Of A Tidy Garden This Winter

As winter approaches more and more daily, preparing your garden for the growing season to follow is one of the most effective ways to have a beautiful garden when summer comes. Abandoning your garden during the winter months can lead to huge…