Best Items To Reuse For The Upcoming Spring

Surrey Clearing

Spring is nearly here, providing the opportunity to get your garden ready for the warmer months coming. Buying garden pots can be expensive, and planting directly into the ground may not be the best for homes with dogs or other animals. However, you can use items from your home to help make your garden grow efficiently and effectively.


Greenleaf Clearance is one of the leading clearance companies in the South of England. Our expert team, with ten lorries on standby, cover areas such as Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey, providing clearance and removal services. Whether you need a Surrey clearing or a garden clearance in Hampshire, our professional team can do the hard work for you. Read some of our reviews here.


Containers And Jars


There are always containers and jars that get thrown away, but why not use them as plant pots? Ice cream tubs are great examples, lightweight, water-resistant, plenty of room for a flower or two and durable. Depending on the size, some jars may support a sunflower. Make sure to clean out the jars and containers before you put soil inside, and don’t water too much either. Painting them can help give them a spot of colour as well. Overall, jars are an excellent cheap alternative whilst giving you fewer items to put inside your bin. 




Eggs are commonplace in most kitchens, helping to create amazing cakes and food. Most of us throw the shells in the bin, but did you know eggshells can help keep pests off your plants? Clean the shell, break it into smaller pieces and scatter it along with the soil before planting. Eggshells take a long time to break down, meaning it will take a while before the pests get to the plants. Alternatively, you can place it in your compost bin, where it will turn into more soil.


Contact Us – Surrey Clearing 

If you’re looking for a Surrey clearing, the Greenleaf Clearance team can help provide you with the excellent and efficient service you are looking for. Our qualified and experienced team can cover areas around the South of England. No job is too big for us! If you would like to read some of our customer reviews or check out our website, click here! To get in touch with our team or call us, either submit a contact form or give us a call on 07884 082197. We cannot wait to hear from you!

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